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Are you a writer trying to figure out your next steps? Do you need someone to help offer personalized guidance and advice?

Writing can often feel like a lonely experience and it seems like everyone knows the secrets of the trade but you. Maybe you’re asking yourself some of these questions:

  • Should I start a blog or a newsletter?

  • Should my goal be to write a book or freelance?

  • How do I get started freelancing?

  • What are my strengths and weaknesses as a writer?

  • Who is my ideal reader?

  • What is my mission?

  • What do I want to accomplish through my writing?

There are so many options for writers. And in the age of social media and personal marketing, writers often have to do a lot more than simply write.

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How does it work?

Before the session

You will fill out a questionnaire to let Taylor know what you need assistance with, what you’d like to cover in your coaching session, and list out anything you need specific resources for. That way when your session begins, you can dive right into what is most important. You can also submit a piece of writing to Taylor that you would like personalized feedback on.

After the session

You can receive another round of feedback on your piece, should you choose to edit and revise based on Taylor’s recommendations. You will also receive a follow up email from Taylor one month after your session to check in on your progress and see if you have any new needs!

The fee for a one-hour coaching session is $60.00.
